SedaICU is a web site useful for nurses and medical doctors in Intensive Care Unit for a better management of work.
The target is to better treat critical patients and, by this, to improve their outcome. To gain this target operators must have the opportunity of having a worth formation able to make them satisfied and more competent.
In www.sedaicu.it you will find all the needed information which will allows you to use sedative drugs in a new concept way and to follow a neurologic monitoring using validated tools.
This is a great challenge, a epocal changing in approaching critical patients: no more "deeply sedated" but just "adapted" to the critical pathology and to needed invasive cares... keeping conscience on!
It won't be easy to change habits and way of thinking. In the pages of this site you will find suggestions and materials ready to use. Anyway to improve your daily operate results, your professional approach, your values and your competence are all needed...
A new fronteer in Intensive Care Unit is to grant neurologic omeostasis of all critical patients. We can not only deal with just adding days to a patient's life but we must add life in those days.
Enjoy the surf by SedaICU.it team
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Corsi ECM
Puoi ottenere 6 crediti ECM per infermieri e per medici attraverso le lezioni presenti in questo sito.
Ci sono a tua disposizione tre corsi gratuiti su:
- analgesia e sedazione (2 crediti),
- delirium (2 crediti),
- paziente critico cosciente (2 crediti).
SedaEN.it and intensiva.it
Our research project deal with operators formation focused on the use of validated tools for neurological monitoring, but there's more...
The efficacy of www.sedaicu.it in changing nurses and intensive care medical doctors' "clinical habits" is the third step (Work Package 3 - WP3) of a research project approved and funded by Regione Lombardia entitled "Innovative sedative strategies in high risk critically ill" which include ...
Flowchart and Guidelines
The abstract of the whole sedaicu.it is in these three papers:
- Pain Management
* @package DOCman
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Timble CVBA. (http://www.timble.net)
* @license GNU GPLv3
else: ?>
endif; ?> endif; ?>
if ($entity->size && (!isset($show_size) || $show_size !== false)): ?>
(95 KB)
endif; ?>
- Sedation Management
* @package DOCman
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Timble CVBA. (http://www.timble.net)
* @license GNU GPLv3
else: ?>
endif; ?> endif; ?>
if ($entity->size && (!isset($show_size) || $show_size !== false)): ?>
(180 KB)
endif; ?>
- Delirium Management
* @package DOCman
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Timble CVBA. (http://www.timble.net)
* @license GNU GPLv3
else: ?>
endif; ?> endif; ?>
if ($entity->size && (!isset($show_size) || $show_size !== false)): ?>
(87 KB)
endif; ?>
We believe they may be useful in your daily practice and for a reflection about treatment strategies usually discussed during "clinical briefing". Stick them at the wall or just keep them in your pocket note, in your palm or in your Hospital Guidelines. We think they can really improve critical patients' outcome!
Stiamo assistendo in Terapia Intensiva ad una profonda sfida culturale: pazienti svegli, parenti presenti, staff consapevole dei limiti e delle possibilità. Non è facile "cambiare testa", ma è il primo passo per stare meglio. Tutti.
Link veloci
Gestire il dolore

Gestire la sedazione

Gestire il delirium

Questo sito è stato realizzato grazie al contributo di:

Finanziamento per la Ricerca Indipendente
(Decreto DGS 13456 del 22 dicembre 2010)